4th Grade Teacher, Student Council Advisor Email Phone: Ext. 1125 Welcome to Mrs. Lauersdorf's Homepage. This page gives homework and informational updates for parents and students. Thank you for viewing my website!!!!
Below are some important bits of information for the upcoming school year:
Our school will be focusing on "The Blue Jay Way" this year. We will be working on hallway and lunchroom behavior throughout the school year. Below are the links to the two videos that we made last year. Please check them out!!!!!
Hallway Expectations 2014
Luchroom Expections (trailer) 2014
Our classroom uses a behavior system called Class Dojo. Information was sent home with instructions how parents/guadians can join our class to get daily updates on their child's behavior and see shared pictures of what's going on in our classroom. Please don't forget to join our class!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email, call, or set up a time to meet with me. Have a great day!!!
Mrs. Lyssa Lauersdorf
Elementary School Phone: 920-5414801
Email: lauersdorfl@johnsoncreekschools.org
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh 2007
Bachelor of Science in Education
Emphasis: Language Arts
Extra Curricular Activities: Coaching JV volleyball and Jr. High Girls Basketball; Advising Elementary Student Council.
Experience: 1 year at Perry Tipler Middle School in Oshkosh teaching Language Arts, two years teaching 2nd at JCE, and I am thrilled to currently be in my 4th year of teaching 3rd grade at Johnson Creek Elementary! This year I will be on the math focus team where I will be teaching two sections of math to different groups of students.
Hobbies: spending time with family and friends, playing sports, attending sporting events, reading, traveling and running :)